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Critical Thinking: Do “Conspiracy Theorists” Need To Understand The Law Of Resonance?

If someone spends a lot of time looking into what appears to be happening behind the scenes, so to speak, they are not going to happy to go along with the narrative that the mainstream media sells. They are likely to be a deeply curious person who has the need to know what is actually going on.


As a result of this, they could spend a fair amount of time each day watching videos, reading articles and looking over posts on social media. It could also go further than this with them sharing their own views on at least one platform.

Different Sources

When it comes to who they receive their information from, they could listen to a lot of the big names. Then again, they might not pay too much attention to what they say due to seeing them as false opposition.

In their eyes, these people will be there to distract people from what is actually going on. Therefore, although about seventy or eighty per cent will be right, the other thirty or twenty per cent won’t be.

Another Trap

For many years, they may have been sent down the wrong path by listening to what these people had to say. Now, though, they will be far more discerning when it comes to who they follow.

Still, as they know that there are people who are there to prevent people from “waking up”, it could frustrate them. But, although they might try to make these people realise what is going on, they might rarely get very far.

Anything But Straight Forward

Along with this, they may do what they can to wake the people up who primarily consume the mainstream media. There can be times when this goes well and times when they are labelled as a “conspiracy theorist” that is “crazy”.

Thanks to the resistance and even the criticism that they receive, this is not always going to be something that is easy or effective. At times, they may think that most people are asleep and are not interested in doing anything about what is going on.

The Ideal

If this wasn’t the case and the average person was open to hearing about what they had to say, it would be very different. One could believe that this would cause the world to change very quickly.

So many people would “wake up” and change their behaviour, which would mean that the elite would no longer be able to control the masses. What is going on “out there” would no longer be able to continue and humanity would soon be free.

A Different Outlook

It could be said that this viewpoint makes sense as if people are not aware of what going on, how is the world going to change? Humanity will continue to be victimised by those in power and the world will only get worse.

Ultimately, what is going on “out there” needs to change and this will only happen by dealing with the elite. Now, while this might appear to be the only option, what if there is another way?

Caught Up

The view that the average person is being taken advantage of and that those in power need to be dealt with for this to change is coming from a sense of separation. By one seeing themselves as being separate from what is going on “out there”, they will naturally see themselves, and their fellow human beings, as being victimised by an outer force.

One will be nothing more than a passive observer of what is going on externally. In reality, one is not separate from anyone or anything; this is just an illusion that their ego-mind creates.

A Co-Creator

The illusion that their mind creates is not something that is bad, as it is what allows them to have their own experience on this planet. Nevertheless, when this is not something that one understands to one degree or another, it will be normal for them to be consumed by what is going on externally.

The outcome of this is that it won’t occur to them that their own consciousness, in addition to every other person’s consciousness, is co-creating what is taking place on this planet. What this means is that in order for there to be an elite “out there” who are up to no good, there has to be certain things going on inside the collective consciousness.

The Law of Resonance

The external, physical world is then a reflection of the internal, non-physical world. This can sound like mumbo jumbo but it is something that has been backed up by quantum physics.

What quantum physics states is that, at a base level, everyone and everything is made up of vibrating energy, and, when two things vibrate at the same frequency, they are drawn together. Considering this, the only way that humanity could be taken advantage of is if they are vibrating at a certain frequency.

The Building Blocks

When it comes to someone’s consciousness, this will include what is taking place in both their conscious and unconscious mind. At a conscious level, someone can be against the elite, yet at an unconscious level, they can actually be supporting and sustaining the very reality that they want to change.

Their unconscious mind can contain “negative” feelings and the parts of themselves that they perceive as being bad. For example, those that they see as being “evil” can be a reflection of the parts of themselves that they have become estranged from.

Final Thoughts

Also, by being against the elite, they will indirectly be feeding energy into this reality and this is because they are not just observing what is going on. This comes down to the fact that what is resisted is what will both persist and expand.

Taking all this into account, instead of trying to fight what is going on externally, it might be far more effective for them to direct their energy into be-ing what they want to see more of and to integrate their own “inner darkness”. Going within and facing their own wounds will be harder than fighting an external enemy but it will probably do more for humanity.